20th century in the philippines معنى
- القرن 20 في الفلبين
- 20th century ألقَرْنُ ألعِشرون
- century n. قرن مئة عام, مئ ...
- in adj. داخلي, حاكم, ...
- the ال, لام التعريفH ...
- the philippines الفلبين; جمهورية ا ...
- philippines [[الفلبين]]; الفلب ...
كلمات ذات صلة
- 20th century in the northern mariana islands معنى
- 20th century in the northern territory معنى
- 20th century in the northwest territories معنى
- 20th century in the ottoman empire معنى
- 20th century in the palestinian territories معنى
- 20th century in the pitcairn islands معنى
- 20th century in the portuguese empire معنى
- 20th century in the republic of ireland معنى
- 20th century in the republic of macedonia معنى